TikToker set his private part 🥒 ablaze🔥 to entertain fans ( Watch video).



A popular Kenyan content creator by name Aq9ine has done it again 😂. Doing weird things seems to be his favorite to do on the media and this comes after a chain of weird things he’s done before. so far i understand he has eaten a bat followed by a spider that gave him the craziest skin reaction – forcing him out of the ‘food section’ and now he has new content to share

As a seen on a video shared a few days ago, we understand that Aq9ine decided to set his own private parts ablaze; a stunt he used to help market certain mobile network operator and honesty i hope it was all worth it. I say this because looking at the video, its obvious that Aq9ine got burned during this crazy act….and what’s even worse is that judging from his caption, looks like he was doing this as a way to ‘trim’ if not shaving off his pubic hair

TikToker sets his private part ablaze to entertain fans ( Watch video).


REACTIONS from the video are hilarious and fans are not surprised with his moves 


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