Video: Vernyuy Tina – Woman(Click to watch)

Entertainment and Arts

Video: Vernyuy Tina – Woman(Click to watch)


Vernyuy Tina drops the astonishing visuals of her latest single “Woman“. On this new video, the Afronjang queen puts females in the limelight.

To begin, as one of the influential females in the 237 urban industry, Tina has mapped out a path for herself. She walks on it and delivers her art confidently.

Next, she takes a moment to celebrate her female folk. On the Dijay Cliff produced single, she places women in the light showering them with blessings and empowerment.

To add, she keeps it in her roots by using het native “Lamnso” to semd out her message. Her unique voice resonates with many and so they easily relegate.

The Afronjang queen Tina is an artiste who loves experementing on new sounds. It earned her an award winning single. This may not be one but it solidifies her status.

Finally, that special touch whicb she bodies always shines one she holds a microphone. It with same quality which she celebrates her own – women. Watch the new video below:



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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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