What is holding down Young Holiday ? Not yet God’s time or curse ?

Entertainment and Arts

Young holiday has been blessing our speakers with dope songs from way back and he keeps getting better like fine wine as the years pass by.

Young holiday is very talented no doubt!

Only a mad person won’t agree that Young Holiday is super talented. Infact, only few rappers in the music industry can Stand beside him as far as being talented is concerned.

Without being signed to any major label, Young holiday has dropped many projects that received massive love and attention.

His rap is fire 🔥. Let’s not talk about his old song but let’s talk about his latest EP, “one word bomb” đź’Ł.

This EP is enough to make an artist signed under a big record label blow. The EP is made up of 5 dope songs with my two favorites “strings & bars and born for this“.

But what could be affecting his career ? Looking at the struggle of the talented rapper, the questions on the lips if many music lovers are just weird.

I’m wondering,

Is it that his fan base isn’t strong yet ?

is it because most of his songs are for sale 🤔 ?

Is it that he doesn’t do promotion on his projects 🤔 ?

Why is he not bigger than he’s currently after all the hard work ?

Let’s hear from you now, What do you think is holding down Young Holiday ? Not yet God’s time or curse ?

Get his latest EP here 👇



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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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