Entertainment and Arts

His real names are Tembu Daniel AKA Danny green freshking Cameroon an by Naturalization. He is a fast rising comedian with his crying tactics in which he uses to make people laugh. He is the founder and CEO of the most selling merch in Cameroon ” ENERGY GANG”

237 Town cryer

Danny green falls among the class of people who cries at any slight mistake. He visited Nigeria on the 02/09/2020 for a comedy shoot with famous comedian Sydney Talker. As soon as he arrived Calabar, a video of him started circulating on all social media that he aledgely run mad in the streets of Calabar in which he was chasing people. Was he really mad ?

He is using a STRATEGY to gain fame and be easily noticed in the world as fast as possible and will stop at nothing to become famous.



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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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