Why Do Android Users Hate iPhone ?

Entertainment and Arts

I have seen many people who uses Android phone and they unapologetically says they can’t use iPhone….
I still don’t know the reason why they dislike iPhone that much. So, I decided to bring this issue up on Kimbi blog so Cameroonians can tell me why they hate iPhone.

Many think it is because of poverty but recently, I have seen a lot of people using some Android phones that are far expensive than the latest iPhone 12 self.

With this, I have changed my mindset. I feel some people just love Android and that’s it. They are rich enough to get 5 units of iPhone 12 now but they just don’t like iPhone. Even if iPhone starts flying tomorrow, they won’t go near it.

Now, I want to ask you all this question 👇

What’s The Reason Why Some People Hate iPhone But Prefer Android?

My own reason
For me, I love Android because it I can easily edit and do some adjustments on images without wasting time.

What do you think is the cause ?


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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